Town of Moncks Corner issued the following announcement on March 31.
What an incredible day in Moncks Corner! It was great to celebrate the Home Telecom Miracle League Field Ground-Breaking on Wednesday afternoon! We had an incredible turn out for the event.
Mayor Michael Lockliear shared that this moment has been nearly 6 years in the making. In that span of time between donations, grants, family foundation donations to bake sales, car washes and collecting loose change, the Moncks Corner Community helped raise over $1.1 million dollars!
We are so incredibly thankful for all contribution that got us here.
Pastor Charlie Wallace gave a beautiful benediction over the project and for the blessings that the Home Telecom Miracle League Field will be to all that use it.
Thank you to Gina Schuler representing Home Telecom, for sharing what their participation means to their organization and how excited they are to be apart of the Miracle League family.
We appreciate our guests Bill and William Sharpe and Easton Bradberry for joining us today. Thank you to Josh Lilly from Stantec, County Supervisor Johnny Cribb, Berkeley County School District Superintendent Deon Jackson, Santee Cooper-Ray Pinson, and CSG's Ron McCollum and crew. Additionally Thank You to Moncks Corner Town Council Members Jay Law, DeWayne Kitts, Chad Sweatman, David Dennis, Latorie Lloyd and Bryan Ware for their on going and unwavering support of this project.
Stay tuned for project updates and future ribbon cutting announcement!
#MoCoRecreation #MiracleLeague #MoncksCorner #TheLowcountrysHometown #MoCo
#Community #HomeTelecomMiracleLeagueField
#MoncksCornerSports #RegionalSportsComplex #athletics #EveryoneDeservesAChanceToPlayBall
Home Telecom
Original source can be found here.